The choices we make
Life is about options, the choices we make and the paths we follow. For some it can be a bittersweet experience. Yet, these decisions can alter the lives of many. Some are aware of these changes and some, regretfully, are not.
The birthday present
One of the great joys of adolescent practice is when one is able to have a positive influence upon one’s patient. Once your patient trusts your judgment and counsel, the ability to affect positive change in their lives improves dramatically.
Trust, teens and the family doc
Eight years ago, two Ottawa doctors went back to high school to start the first in-school medical centre of its kind in Canada Adolescents are an under-serviced population — and there are several factors that contribute to this phenomenon.
The hidden patient
In June, my dad was hospitalized for some surgery. He related the following story to me: My dad walked the ward after his surgery whence he came upon an elderly woman near the nurse’s station.