Nearly one in five Canadians is affected by mental illness, yet a persistent stigma prevents millions from getting the help they need. However people are sharing their stories and bringing to light that there is help and the prompt recognition of depressive illness can save people from years of misery or death.
Mental Illness Awareness Week begins this week and its theme is—Face Mental Illness. It is designed to encourage those who know of a friend or loved one who suffers from depression or other mood disorder to seek help and reclaim their lives.
- Dr. Michael Paré., Physician Psychotherapist, Founder and Coordinator, The Medical Clinic for Person-Centred Psychotherapy, and is a Certified Group Therapist and Certified IPT Psychotherapist, Approved Supervisor, Interpersonal Psychotherapy (University of Toronto) and Courtesy Staff, Department of Family Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
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