Wednesday House Call, May 15, 2019: The red and white OHIP cards are like cockroaches. Despite 20 years of effort, the government still has not succeeded in eradicating this potential source for health care fraud.

Wednesday House Call, May 15, 2019: The red and white OHIP cards are like cockroaches. Despite 20 years of effort, the government still has not succeeded in eradicating this potential source for health care fraud.

Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the problem with hundreds of thousands of old red and white OHIP cards that remain in circulation and how the age of discernment is used to provide care to minors.

Your calls about:

  • Colonoscopy preparation and returning to work the next day
  • Evaluation of hand and head tremors
  • Why is a younger age range preferred for stem cell donors?
  • Elevated B12 levels may not be responsible for a myriad of health issues for this person
