Headline provides a definite conclusion when even the study author states that there is an association not causality that Mediterranean diet can improve cardiovascular health. Reverse causality is in play as well.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for May 19, 2023 Source:Adopting a Mediterranean diet has the same benefit as 4,000 extra steps per day Reference:Association of healthy dietary patterns and cardiorespiratory fitness in the community
Editorial on saturated fat not contributing to heart disease faces forceful rebuttal
Health Headlines Commentary for April , 2017 Source: Saturated fat doesn’t clog your arteries, doctors suggest The Saturated Fat-Heart Disease Debate Still Unsettled Reference: Saturated fat does not clog the arteries: coronary heart disease is a chronic inflammatory condition, the risk of which can be effectively reduced from healthy lifestyle interventions
Observational data supports Mediterranean diet reduces Alzheimer risk
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for April 12, 2010 [display_podcast] Source: Alzheimer’s Risk Cut by a Third Eating Veggies, Fish, Poultry Reference: Food Combination and Alzheimer Disease Risk
What foods and dietary patterns reduce the risk of heart disease?
Original broadcast date: April 19, 2009 What can we learn from examining the dietary habits of people in other countries? We have seen epidemiological studies elegantly outlined in Dr. Richard Beliveau’s evidenced-based Foods that Fight Cancer series of books that reveal the biochemical and physiological properties of the foods we eat and how they contribute…