Sunday House Call, #739, May 17, 2020: Proper grocery aisle pandemic etiquette is inversely proportional to the probability of a second wave.

Sunday House Call, #739, May 17, 2020: Proper grocery aisle pandemic etiquette is inversely proportional to the probability of a second wave.

Topics today include:

With the easing of restrictions, it seems that the grocery store is becoming a free-for-all. People ignore the one-way direction arrows and pass within a foot of each other. Others pass you at similar distances because they cannot wait the 30 seconds to grab the cereal box from the shelf. I hope this is not a bellwether of all the other instances that require similar behaviours. If so, expect that second wave.

Your calls about:

  • Vitamin D dosing
  • TMJ pain and lightheadedness
  • Bacterial contamination of masks and how to disinfect them
  • Treatment after a deer tick bite
  • SARS-CoV-2 testing availability
  • Using a nicotine patch to stop smoking prior to cardiac surgery
