Sunday House Call, #643,  February 25, 2018: You say low-fat, they say low-carb, but in the end your body does not care. It’s all about the calories.

Sunday House Call, #643,  February 25, 2018: You say low-fat, they say low-carb, but in the end your body does not care. It’s all about the calories.

Topics today include:

Low-fat vs low-carb diets: Results are the same. It all boils down to calorie deficit.

Your calls about:

  • Stem Cell treatment for osteoarthritis in Canada? Not yet and beware of snake oil promotions from the US
  • Does ginger ale help treat symptoms of flu? No
  • Does coffee affect calcium levels and should you worry? No
  • A 70-year-old woman with the flu who has a history of heart disease. Should she seek medical evaluation?
  • The difference between viral and bacterial infections.

