House Calls, #928, June 9, 2024: Dr David Jacobs (@jacobsrad) on why we need to move to breast cancer screening for all women starting at age 40. And when the term ‘cervix’ is no longer acceptable according to the Canadian Cancer Society.

Dr David Jacobs, President of the Ontario Association of Radiologists joins the show to talk about breast cancer screening guidelines citing the evidence for starting at age 40.

The Canadian Cancer Society recommends using the word “front hole” instead of cervix when discussing cervical cancer prevention as to not upset those in the LGBTQ+ community. Uh huh.

New research demonstrates new treatment to stem the flow of bleeding after traumatic injuries.

No difference in outcomes with intermittent fasting versus eating whenever you want as long as the calorie intake remained the same.

Your Calls and Comments:

  • Ankle avulsion fracture
  • Cancer treatments and post hoc ergo propter hoc reasoning