Insights into childhood obesity

The casual observer devoid of emotional attachment can make the distinction between a child that is of normal weight versus one that is not. However, parents often fail to make such a clear-cut distinction as borne out from recent studies of weight perception. Although more education about the problem is increasing awareness of childhood obesity, the trend remains dire.

The Canadian Council of Food and Nutrition (CCFN) has partnered with the Program in Food Safety, Nutrition & Regulatory Affairs to gather leading experts in the field of childhood obesity to speak about current trends, risk factors, and the role of families, government, educators, food industry, and health care providers in preventing childhood obesity.

  • Dr. Glenn Berall, MD, FRCPC, MBA, Chief of Paediatrics, North York General Hospital, Hospital for Sick Children, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
    Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics & Department of Nutritional Sciences, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto


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