• Ontario Government bans smoking medicinal cannabis in public places

    Health Headlines Commentary for March 11, 2016 [display_podcast] Source: Medical marijuana users steamed by ban after Liberal U-turn

  • What is the evidence for fluoridation?

    Madely Health Headlines Commentary for January 11, 2011 [display_podcast] Reference: Community Water Fluoridation: Questions and Answers Preventing Dental Caries: Community Water Fluoridation

  • The New Coke! Now with added vitamins and minerals

    Dr. Yoni Freedhoff outlines in an article written in this month’s CMAJ how Health Canada is pushing a policy that will allow fortification of foods with vitamins and minerals without any evidence that it will improve public health. Moreover, there is a real risk of overconsumption of said additions to our food supply that can…

  • I need a Big Mac before my Olympic time trial

    Ottawa Citizen journalist Dan Gardner castigates, and rightly so, how Olympic athletes sell out to corporations for oodles of cash without any consideration for the potential harm to public health outcomes. His column can be read here.

  • H1N1 pandemic severity update and the effectiveness of antivirals in otherwise healthy adults

    Madely Health Headlines Commentary for December 9, 2009 [display_podcast] Sources: British researchers say little evidence Tamiflu works, but WHO says the drug is useful Swine Flu Pandemic May Be Less Severe Than Expected

  • Death of caring doctor should concern all Canadians

    Dr. Tony Hsu, a Welland pediatrician in practice for 30 years died last week, his body recovered from Lake Ontario. Humiliated and abused by the Medical Review Committee (MRC), his plight, profiled by CTV’s Avis Favro last November, showed us a caring and dedicated physician destroyed by the committee. Dr. Hsu worked on-call one every…

  • Billing reviews recall witch hunts

    A recent column by Christina Spencer, John Robson’s radio commentary on CFRA and Citizen Editorial eloquently criticized the Quebec government’s abuse of legislative power over its physician population. In Quebec, all physicians who have worked in an emergency room in the previous four years will now be forced to work in them whether they wish…

  • Patient chart transfers warrant a reasonable fee

    A recent Dave Brown column touched upon the thorny issue of patient chart transfer requests. He cited the case of one individual who expressed his irritation with transfer fees that he felt should be free of charge. Copyright law analogy provides the basis for his assertion. His claim is that patient chart notes are paid…

  • Closing Riverside emergency centre costs more than it saves

    Originally published in The Ottawa Citizen August 21, 2002 Original Title: Who Wants to Save a Million Dollars? Despite the problems in our health-care system, there are some roses worth our attention. One such rose is the Riverside Acute Care Medical Centre. Unfortunately, if the Ottawa Hospital administration has its way, the rose will whither…