What would have been on Sunday House Call #292, November 29, 2009

Sunday House Call #292

These interviews were to be broadcast this Sunday. I will post them then.

With all the information in the news about H1N1 and disease transmission and prevention, there is a body of evidence that is not being recognized as a primary factor in developing approaches to disease control.

A McMaster University study published in the October 14, 2009 edition of Emerging Infectious Diseases, a journal of the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, looked at the relationship between population mobility, globalization and the development of drug resistant strains of bacteria and viruses.

  • Douglas W. MacPherson MD, MSc(CTM), FRCPC, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

When people suffer traumatic injuries, blood loss or hemorrhage poses one of the greatest risks to survival. A team of researchers at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation have cast a new understanding of the process that leads to uncontrolled bleeding and have published these findings in a recent edition of the journal Nature Medicine,

  • Dr. Charles Esmon, Ph.D.  researcher with the Cardiovascular Biology Research Program, Lloyd Noble Chair in Cardiovascular Biology, Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Adjunct Professor, Departments of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Pathology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

One thought on “What would have been on Sunday House Call #292, November 29, 2009”

  1. I am heartbroken that Dr. Dworkin is not on the air. It was the only health site I listened to and looked forward to on every sunday. All of the other health sites are in the business of selling something–usually food supplements or vitamins or whatever.

    I hope Dr. Dworkin will find a way to bring back the program. It was so very educational and interesting.

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