• Medication only part of asthma care

    Asthmatics can suddenly crash and burn. Last week’s column made note that asthma is an inherently unstable disease. Some patients unknowingly play with fire by ignoring the symptoms. A good web site to determine the risk of asthma in children and adults is found at http://allergy.mcg.edu/home.html.

  • Be alert for early warning signs of asthma

    Asthma management continues to be a problem for some patients. This is borne out by the telephone call from a patient who frequently runs out of their Ventolin puffer. A review of their chart shows repeat monthly or bimonthly renewal requests; a red flag denoting poor asthma control.

  • Seatbelts are rarely worn properly

    One area of a family doctor’s job is to prevent disease and injury. A good starting point is during the annual exam. A comprehensive exam asks the patient about their diet, family history of disease, smoking, alcohol intake, drug use and work environment. One question causes many of my patients to respond with querying confused…

  • There's no good reason to avoid taking a flu shot

    At the end of October, the Flu vaccine will be available in our region. Many will opt to forego an inexpensive and safe approach to preventing a disease that causes significant misery and death. Some fear the vaccine causes the flu; others take the chance that it will pass them by and many others will…

  • Childhood rashes hard to diagnose at first

    Originally published in The Ottawa Citizen October 15, 2002 Original Title: Daycare Part III: A little red in the face Part I – Why children fight one cold after another Part II – Children’s eye diseases spread quickly What are the common childhood rashes seen in the school and daycare setting? Initially, many rashes can…

  • Children's eye diseases spread quickly

    Originally published in The Ottawa Citizen October 8, 2002 Original Title: Daycare Part II: Run, Run, Run, as Fast as You Can Part I – Why children fight one cold after another Part III – Childhood rashes hard to diagnose at first Last week, the effects of the common cold and ear infections topped the…

  • Why children fight one cold after another

    Originally published in The Ottawa Citizen October 1, 2002 Original Title: Daycare Part I: The Valley of the Nose Pickers Part II – Children’s eye diseases spread quickly Part III – Childhood rashes hard to diagnose at first The beginning of school or daycare normally exposes children to a collection of infectious diseases. With colder…

  • Patient chart transfers warrant a reasonable fee

    A recent Dave Brown column touched upon the thorny issue of patient chart transfer requests. He cited the case of one individual who expressed his irritation with transfer fees that he felt should be free of charge. Copyright law analogy provides the basis for his assertion. His claim is that patient chart notes are paid…

  • Doctors should go into the schools

    Despite numerous health advisory and information campaigns, inroads into curbing or modifying deleterious adolescent behaviours remain wanting. The reasons are multifactorial. There is competition from television and movies, advertising, peer-pressure, academic responsibilities, developing independent attitudes, rebelliousness and their own social calendar.