A positive change by introducing at-home HPV testing to screen for cervical cancer mitigating the need for PAP tests.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for November 23, 2023 Source:Canada is moving away from Pap tests. Here’s what you need to know Reference:
Clinical trial with controls required before any headline can state “Neck injection could improve smell issues in some long Covid patients”
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for November 22, 2023 Source:Neck injection could improve smell issues in some long Covid patients Reference:Stellate Ganglion Block for the Treatment of COVID-19-Induced Olfactory Dysfunction: A Prospective Pilot Study
Enzymatic-blocking hypothesis to be further evaluated to explain why some people get headaches after drinking red wine
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for November 21, 2023 Source:Why do some people get headaches from drinking red wine? Reference:Inhibition of ALDH2 by quercetin glucuronide suggests a new hypothesis to explain red wine headaches
Plus Ça Change: World Health Organization warns of ‘relentlessly increasing threat’ of measles
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for November 20, 2023 Source:World Health Organization warns of ‘relentlessly increasing threat’ of measles
Sunday House Call, #902, November 19, 2023: The Chosen Ones.
How some pharmacies are deciding that people with type 2 diabetes supersede people with obesity respecting their prescriptions for Ozempic due to shortages. I discuss why this is completely unethical and how other pharmacies are staying away from this bad decision. Your Calls and Comments:
How a new ‘super screener’ is helping detect cancer in patients without a family doctor. Half measures are better than nothing I guess.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for November 17, 2023 Source:How a new ‘super screener’ is helping detect cancer in patients without a family doctor
Concussion researchers celebrate new ‘transformational’ research program
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for November 16, 2023 Source:Concussion researchers celebrate new ‘transformational’ research program
We really need flavoured nicotine pouches in candy coloured packages so that only adults will use them for smoking cessation and not attract minors from using then too. Should be just fine since Health Canada approved this “Natural Health Product”. Right.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for November 15, 2023 Source:‘Take immediate action’: Canadian health organizations call on health ministers to suspend flavoured nicotine pouch sales Reference:Health Canada Approval Notice
Just move! You don’t need an observational study to tell you that physical activity is a good way to mitigate the negative effects of sitting/sedentary activity
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for November 14, 2023 Source:Best ways to counter the harmful effects of sitting, according to research Reference:Device-measured physical activity and cardiometabolic health: the Prospective Physical Activity, Sitting, and Sleep (ProPASS) consortium