Wednesday House Call May 31, 2017: Peanuts to flow in Quebec schools
Wednesday House Call May 31, 2017 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the latest health stories of the week. Today: We start off the hour with talk about peanut allergies and schools.
Exercise can improve sleep quality but CNN fluff piece uses old low quality sleep studies irrelevant to general population
Health Headlines Commentary for May 30, 2017 Source: The healthiest way to improve your sleep: exercise Reference: Dose-response effects of exercise training on the subjective sleep quality of postmenopausal women: exploratory analyses of a randomised controlled trial. The effect of exercise training on obstructive sleep apnea and sleep quality: a randomized controlled trial.
Assessing first-aid responder safety is the initial step before offering assistance
Health Headlines Commentary for May 29, 2017 Source: Canadian Red Cross: First-Aid Responders Can Refuse CPR In Fentanyl Overdoses
Sunday House Call, #615, May 28, 2017: Counting on calories that aren’t properly counted
Sunday House Call, #615, May 28, 2017: Counting on calories that aren’t properly counted Topics today include: The reliance on wearable fitness trackers can lead to misinformation and affect lifestyle decisions. All devices tested were grossly inaccurate calculating caloric expenditure for a given exercise or activity. A primer on why less is more with respect to…
Certain lung cancer cells have greater ability to capture sugar to promote rapid tumour growth
Health Headlines Commentary for May 26, 2017 Once again, the Daily Mail shows itself for the rag it is for science news and gets the study completely wrong. It is not the amount of sugar consumed That increases the risk of lung cancer growth but rather the fact that the lung cancer cells are more efficient…
Fentanyl invading Ottawa increasingly responsible for greater proportion of overdoses
Health Headlines Commentary for May 25, 2017 Source: Provincial stats show fentanyl now Ottawa’s deadliest drug
Wednesday House Call May 24, 2017: Forests and swimming pools; pests and pestilence
Wednesday House Call May 24, 2017: Forests and swimming pools; pests and pestilence Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the latest health stories of the week. Today:Lyme disease in Ottawa, Gastroesophageal reflux disease and the use of medications to reduce the risk, compression fractures of the spine, NSAID safety, and what lurks in…
Ottawa designated at-risk for Lyme disease transmission
Health Headlines Commentary for May 25, 2017 Source: Ottawa officially a risky spot for Lyme infection
7-month-old fed “alternative” gluten and lactose-free diet starved to death
Health Headlines Commentary for May 23, 2017 Source: 7-month-old baby who weighed 9 lbs died from gluten, lactose-free diet, court hears