Physician dismissing patients because of “political reality of practicing family medicine in Ontario”
Health Headlines Commentary for November 13, 2017 Source: Ottawa man finds out in letter he is dumped by his doctor
Sunday House Call, #635, November 12, 2017: Cola-swigging children
Sunday House Call, #635, November 12, 2017: Cola-swigging children Topics today include: Risks of consuming black licorice Environmental sensitivities: Is it a real disease? Treatment and healing time of fractured toe Watchful waiting for prostate cancer Weather’s effect on aging?
Experimental and ingenious treatment uses virus to genetically alter skin stem cells to combat boy’s epidermolysis bullosa saving his life
Health Headlines Commentary for November 10, 2017 Source: Lab-Grown Skin Saves Dying Boy with Rare Disease Reference: Regeneration of the entire human epidermis using transgenic stem cells
Interesting findings on why flu vaccine H3N2 strain mutates during vaccine production affecting vaccine efficacy
Health Headlines Commentary for November 9, 2017 Source: Flu season is here, and experts are already concerned Reference: Contemporary H3N2 influenza viruses have a glycosylation site that alters binding of antibodies elicited by egg-adapted vaccine strains
American Society of Clinical Oncology cites evidence for increased risk of several major cancers in proportion to alcohol consumption rates
Health Headlines Commentary for November 8, 2017 Source: Alcohol linked to several major cancers by American Society of Clinical Oncology ASCO Cites Evidence and Calls for Reduced Alcohol Consumption in New Statement
Health care spending in Canada continues increase but is not sustainable
Health Headlines Commentary for November 7, 2017 Source: Canada to spend more than $6,600 per person on health care in 2017 Reference: National Health Expenditure Trends
Idea for new reality TV show: Extreme Wait-Times
Health Headlines Commentary for November 3, 2017 Source: ‘It’s insane’: Ont. patient told she’d have to wait 4.5 years to see neurologist
Fed’s plan to educate about cannabis risk will hit backfire effect and be swamped by marketing onslaught
Health Headlines Commentary for November 2, 2017 Source: Feds announce $36.4M public education campaign on legalized pot
Regular black liquorice consumption can lead to cardiac complications
Health Headlines Commentary for November 1, 2017 Source: Too much black liquorice could land you in hospital, FDA warns