Opioid death rate in the US has reduced average life expectancy
Health Headlines Commentary for December 22, 2017 Source: Opioid crisis linked to two-year drop in US life expectancy Reference: Drug Overdose Deaths in the United States, 1999–2016
Let’s make up a new medical problem to fill up the news cycle
Health Headlines Commentary for December 21, 2017 Source: Holiday stress and booze spark uptick in heart conditions, doctors say
Consuming coffee/caffeine before a workout to improve performance is over-caffeinated hyped advice by “experts”
Health Headlines Commentary for December 20, 2017 Source: Drinking coffee before a workout could boost performance: experts Reference: There is not any because it is based on expert opinion of dubious quality. Expert opinion is near the bottom on the accepted quality of evidence scale. Existing studies cited in the article are based on mice…
Where should children learn about responsible alcohol use?
Health Headlines Commentary for December 19, 2017 Source: Mom says letting children drink alcohol at home teaches them responsibility
No conclusions can be drawn from cash-register-scanner-data-collection suggesting people are choosing legal cannabis over alcohol
Health Headlines Commentary for December 18, 2017 Source: People will choose legal marijuana over alcohol, U.S. study shows Reference: Helping Settle the Marijuana and Alcohol Debate: Evidence from Scanner Data
Sunday House Call, #640, December 17, 2017: Media shooting blanks on man-flu hype
Sunday House Call, #640, December 17, 2017: Media shooting blanks on man-flu hype Topics today include: The man-flu study was not what it seemed yet media-hype went into overdrive and were duped big time. Read the final two paragraphs of the feature. Your calls about: Do MRIs affect pacemakers? Total body itchiness may be due…
Liver transplant criteria not discriminatory toward people suffering with alcoholism but based on risk assessment of health outcomes.
Health Headlines Commentary for December 14, 2017 Source: Woman in critical condition from liver failure can’t get transplant due to protocols
Wednesday House Call December 13, 2017: Sugar is the new soma for kids. Big sugar and junk food industry takes page from tobacco marketing playbook.
Wednesday House Call December 13, 2017 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the latest health stories of the week. Today: Rob and I have a great debate about banning junk food advertising to children and Rob’s dislike for calorie-content displays on menus. Your calls about: Does broccoli contain cancer-fighting phytochemicals? Numbness in the…
Study: Hardened arteries in half of people aged 40-54. Yeah, so?
Health Headlines Commentary for December 13, 2017 Source: Half of people aged 40-54 have hardened arteries: study Reference: Normal LDL-Cholesterol Levels Are Associated With Subclinical Atherosclerosis in the Absence of Risk Factors