Sunday House Call, #644, March 4, 2018; The doctor was not in the house but most pretended he was
Sunday House Call, #644, March 4, 2018; The doctor was not in the house but most pretended he was Topics today include: The “doctor” who was convicted of sexually assaulting U.S. Olympic Team gymnasts was portrayed as one in most media reports. He was not. Your calls about: Using Tamiflu to treat the flu Numbness…
Wednesday House Call, February 28, 2018
Wednesday House Call, February 28, 2018 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the latest health stories of the week.
Sunday House Call, #643, February 25, 2018: You say low-fat, they say low-carb, but in the end your body does not care. It’s all about the calories.
Sunday House Call, #643, February 25, 2018: You say low-fat, they say low-carb, but in the end your body does not care. It’s all about the calories. Topics today include: Low-fat vs low-carb diets: Results are the same. It all boils down to calorie deficit. Your calls about: Stem Cell treatment for osteoarthritis in Canada?…
News outlets reporting a new blood test to detect concussion misrepresent what the test actually does
Health Headlines Commentary for February 22, 2018 Source: FDA approves first blood test for concussion Reference: None presented from company Analysis: CNN wrongly reports that a new blood test can “help detect concussion”
Wednesday House Call, February 21, 2018
Wednesday House Call, February 22, 2018 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the latest health stories of the week. We discussed the press release touting a’cure’ for peanut allergy when really it is not. Your calls about: How cognitive behavioral therapy will help for restoring insomnia The importance of treating osteoporosis. Exercise and…
Peanut allergy treatment, despite the headlines, is not a cure.
Health Headlines Commentary for February 21, 2018 Source: Peanut allergy ‘cure’ shows promising results: study Reference: Study was not published. It is a press release from the company that Manufactures the treatment. As such, skepticism should be paramount.
Sheep-human hybrid technology for organ transplants still a ways away
Health Headlines Commentary for February 20, 2018 Source: Researchers hope sheep-human hybrids could be used for organ transplants Reference: Research has not been published yet. Presented at the annual meeting for the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Austin. Texas
Sunday House Call #642, February 18, 2018: Systematic review gives straight dope on medical use of cannabis. Let the Backfire-Effect-Games begin.
Sunday House Call #642, February 18, 2018: Systematic review gives straight dope on medical use of cannabis. Let the Backfire Effect games begin. Topics today include: A systematic review published in this week’s Canadian Family Physician and reported here evaluated the medical conditions for its use. My weekly editorial reviews this new information. Your calls…
Wednesday House Call, February 14, 2018: Homeopathy; Magical thinking at its finest
Wednesday House Call, February 14, 2018: Homeopathy; Magical thinking at its finest Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the latest health stories of the week. Today: Homeopathy put to rest at Georgian College Your calls about: Atrial fibrillation Grain-free diets as a cure all for what ails you eye worms Do statins affect…