Wednesday House Call, September 19, 2018
Wednesday House Call, September 19, 2018 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the latest health stories of the week. Today: If you are an Ottawa Senator’s hockey player and rupture your Achilles tendon, expect fast and efficient access to a same-day MRI and surgery. The rest of us seem wait in line just…
Flu vaccine patch still years away
Health Headlines Commentary for September 19, 2018 Source: Scientists develop flu vaccine patch you could administer at home
Trans fats now officially banned in Canada
Health Headlines Commentary for September 17, 2018 Source: Canada’s trans fat ban comes into effect
Sunday House Call, #667, September 16, 2018: The observational food study; Correlation R-value Asymmetric with Probability
Sunday House Call, #667, September 16, 2018: The observational food study; Correlation R-value Asymmetric with Probability Topics today include: More poor media reporting of observational food studies and drawing direct conclusions when you just can’t do that.* This editorial explains why. Your calls about plantar fasciitis Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia blister formation after total knee replacement hand…
Acne vaccine research still in its early stages. Good basic science but stop using words like “promising” to describe preliminary data on mice and skin biopsies
Health Headlines Commentary for September 13, 2018 Source: Researchers developing acne vaccine by targeting bacteria already in skin Reference: The Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Propionibacterium acnes CAMP Factor-Targeted Acne Vaccines
Wednesday House Call, September 12, 2018: Small doses, negligible effects. How hyping parts per billion detection misrepresents risk.
Wednesday House Call, September 12, 2018: Small doses, negligible effects. How hyping parts per billion detection misrepresents risk. Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to discuss the latest health stories of the week. Today we talk about an environmental advocacy group’s report about glyphosate found in parts per billion in our food supply, face transplants,…
UK recommendation for drink-free days due in part to normalization of regular alcohol consumption
Health Headlines Commentary for September 12, 2018 Source: Middle-aged should have ‘drink-free’ days, say campaigners