Consumer Reports finds BPA in canned foods (in parts per billion)

Madely Health Headlines Commentary for November 5, 2009




Tests show Bisphenol A in a range of US canned food products


In as much as we try top reduce exposure to potential health risks, we are dealing with parts per billion (ppb) detection methods. Everyday we are exposed to compounds that fall within this zone from the air we breathe, food we eat, cosmetics and personal hygiene products and cosmetics we use, and objects we touch. In Dr. Joe Schwarcz’s book, An Apple a Day, this issue is brought to the fore with respect to the compounds we consume and the lack of scientific evidence of harm for most of them because the dose is so small.

I encourage everyone to read this book becuase it provides a cogent, non-alarmist view of the science and why there are many other common exposures that cause greater harm. Our society’s consumption of sugar and fat is directly related to tremendous increases in diabetes and heart disease risk and childhood obesity rates.


*One ppb is comparable to one kernel of corn in a filled, 45-foot silo, 16 feet in diameter. A part per billion is roughly equivalent to one-thousandth teaspoon of water in a 21-foot diameter, 4-foot deep swimming pool.

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