Oh where, oh where, has my flu shot gone?

The official opposition Federal Liberals are making noise that the numbers do not add up. They claim that the 6.6 million doses the Federal Government claims to have distributed to the provinces is inaccurate. If this was the case they say, we would have vaccinated all high risk groups by now.


What they fail to realize is that Public Health agencies in the provinces actually store their supply; they stock it and use it as they need it. You cannot have 20,000 doses for example sitting unrefrigerated on the floor.

They conveniently leave out that little detail. So the correct question would be, “How many doses have been given to people to date and how many doses are in storage or in transit?”

We will leave out for the moment other logical lapses in their other arguments about procurement and production.

But trying to score political points is more important than acting like mature and responsible adults during a serious public health issue.

Bravo! Keep reaching for that lowest common denominator.

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