Interesting study proposes that UV-mediated RNA damage seems to be the primary cause of the sunburn reaction.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for January 24, 2025 Source:We’ve Been Wrong About What Causes Sunburn, Scientists Discover Reference:The ribotoxic stress response drives acute inflammation, cell death, and epidermal thickening in UV-irradiated skin in vivo
Early personal sunburn indicator developed and being prepped for market
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for April 1, 2015 Source: Researchers develop early warning sunburn indicator
FDA wants tanning beds risks to be regulated like CT scanners
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for May 7, 2013 [display_podcast] Source: FDA proposes tougher regulations on tanning beds
Tanning beds do not reduce risk of sunburn but increase risk of melanoma skin cancers
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for April 7, 2010 [display_podcast] Source: Ontario docs warn teens to stay away from tanning beds
How to avoid getting skin cancer
With the summer months approaching, the ozone hole growing and the tan enthusiasts ready to hit the beach, it is important to know how skin valiantly tries to protect itself. Alas, people subject their dermis (skin) to multitudes of insults and injuries. Cuts, bruises, scrapes and mild burns heal well and cause no lasting damage.…