Hospitals performing private operations despite delays for necessary surgeries (for which there is no money to pay for them and hence the ORs sit idle)
Health Headlines Commentary for July 12, 2017 Source: Hospitals performing private cosmetic operations despite delays for necessary surgeries
Interview with CMA President Dr. Brian Day
Although public health care advocates decried the election of Dr. Brian Day to the presidency of the Canadian Medical Association citing the beginning-of-the-end of our public health-care system, none of the foreboding happened. In fact, the next president of the CMA, Dr. Robert Ouellet, will be following a similar program and recommendations for change to…
How Good is Canadian Health Care? An International Comparison of Health Care Systems
Do Canadians get value for the money they spend on their health care system? How do we compare to other countries that have universal-access health care systems with respect to provision and availability of services? According to a study published this week How Good is Canadian Health Care? An International Comparison of Health Care Systems…