• Sunday House Call, #634,  October 29, 2017: Chocolate: the new health food marketing sham/scam

    Sunday House Call, #634,  October 29, 2017: Chocolate: the new health food marketing sham/scam Topics today include: An excellent expose by Julia Belluz at Vox.com about the insidious and deliberate attempt by chocolate industry to get children and adults even more hooked touting nebulous health benefits. Need more proof? Dr. Yoni Freedhoff reports on the…

  • Sunday House Call #290

    Sunday House Call #290 3:16 Information abounds about H1N1 flu prevention, infection control and best hygiene practices. Is this message resonating with groups that, according to public health officials and major health organizations like the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Health Protection Agency of Canada, are most at risk of harm should…

  • Peripheral arterial disease screening

    We have discussed on past editions of Sunday House Call how we tend to think of heart attacks and stroke when considering the effects of cardiovascular disease. What should be included as well is peripheral arterial disease or PAD; a serious condition that causes significant morbidity and poor quality of life. Edmonton researchers at the…

  • New surgical techniques for peripheral arterial disease

    Although there is a tendency to associate cardiovascular disease with heart attacks and stroke, there is another serious condition that causes significant morbidity and poor quality of life. It is peripheral arterial disease or PAD. Although prevention is the best way to avert the complications of this disease, there remain many people in advanced stages…