Miniaturized pacemaker is great tech but does have specific limitations depending on heart ailment
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for December 22, 2014 Source: Tiny pacemakers a heartbeat away from widespread use
New pacemaker can reduce deaths and improve quality of life for patients with congestive heart failure
New device proves more effective than defibrillators alone Madely Health Headlines Commentary for November 14, 2010 [display_podcast] Source: New device proves more effective than defibrillators alone Reference: Cardiac-Resynchronization Therapy for Mild-to-Moderate Heart Failure
Developing a cardiac pacemeker that can survive an MRI
People who can’t have life-saving diagnostic tests because of their pacemakers might have a scan-worthy device in years to come. An international clinical trial of a pacemaker system, the Medtronic EnRhythm MRI SureScan pacing system, will be conducted at the Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria, Foothills HSC in Calgary, Hopital Laval in Quebec, Montreal Heart…