Study finds that people are more likely to opt for unnecessary surgery when they hear the words “cancer, nodule, and tumour”
Health Headlines Commentary for March 22, 2019 Source: People more likely to want unnecessary surgery if word ‘cancer’ was used: study Reference: The Role of Disease Label in Patient Perceptions and Treatment Decisions in the Setting of Low-Risk Malignant Neoplasms
Sunday House Call, #531, May 10, 2015: Overtesting + overdiagnosis = overtreatment
Sunday House Call, #53, May 10, 2015: Overtesting + overdiagnosis = overtreatment Topics today include: A discussion of how doing more tests and screening does not necessarily lead to better care and improved health outcomes. These websites can help you, in your discussions with your doctor, whether certain tests and procedures and backed by evidence:…
Breast cancer treatments beginning to fall into the less-is-more category without harming outcomes for women
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for December 12, 2013 [display_podcast] Source: Some women can safely skip certain breast cancer treatments: new research
Worried Sick: A Prescription for Health in an Overtreated America
Original broadcast date: June 21, 2009 It is a jungle of medical information out there on TV, radio, newspapers and journals. Reports appear daily espousing or refuting the latest finding to cure our ills and prevent disease. The contradictions abound and foster confusion for the public and health practitioners alike. It is creating a situation…