Interesting research evaluating the effect sleeping pills have on the brain’s ability to restore itself during a specific sleep stage.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for February 12, 2025 Source:Common sleep medication may prevent brain from clearing ‘waste’ Reference:Norepinephrine-mediated slow vasomotion drives glymphatic clearance during sleep
Behavioral training and therapy is always the preferred first choice for many children who are having difficulty falling sleeping. Melatonin commonly taken by kids not a magic bullet, pediatricians say.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for December 7, 2023 Source:Melatonin commonly taken by kids not a magic bullet, pediatricians say Reference:Characteristics of Melatonin Use Among US Children and Adolescents
The cart and the horse: Does poor sleep/insomnia leads to increased screen-time or is it the reverse?
Health Headlines Commentary for November 10, 2016 Source: Is your phone making you tired? Using devices with a blue light before bed lowers the quality of sleep Reference: Direct Measurements of Smartphone Screen-Time: Relationships with Demographics and Sleep
Forgetting that a developing child's brain can be negatively affected by OTC products like melatonin
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for September 18, 2015 Source: Melatonin use in children with sleep problem raises concerns
Overcoming persistent insomnia
A common concern for many of my patients at some point in their lives is the inability to sleep. Indeed, this is a common problem in our society with many remedies, medications and therapies portending to provide “the solution” to our sleep disorders. What does the evidence say regarding the best approach to help those…