Keep that cotton swab out of your ears!
Health Headlines Commentary for March 15, 2019 Source: Man Gets Brain Infection After Cleaning Ear With Cotton Swab
Fast food diet in mice produces immune response akin to a defense against infection
Health Headlines Commentary for January , 2018 Source: Our bodies may be treating fast food like an invading bacterial infection — and it could be killing us Reference: Western Diet Triggers NLRP3-Dependent Innate Immune Reprogramming
Antibiotic prophylaxis prior to dental procedures for people with artificial joints that are greater than two-years-old generally not required
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for June 7, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: Artificial hip, heart valve or knee? Check with your dentist
Burns Require Specific Treatment
Many people are unaware of the proper management of burns. Is there a need to apply creams, antibiotics, salves or natural products to promote healing? What are the first steps to prevent or minimize skin damage in the immediate aftermath of a burn?