Observational study suggests that abstaining from alcohol altogether has the best long-term health outcomes.
Health Headlines Commentary for October 16, 2019 Source:Alcohol may take the edge off, but giving it up is better for you: study Reference:Change in moderate alcohol consumption and quality of life: evidence from 2 population-based cohorts
No magical supplements or vacuous pseudoscientific practices needed for disease prevention. Basic lifestyle changes are all that is required
Health Headlines Commentary for September23 , 2016 Source: How to cut YOUR chances of getting cancer: Expert reveals 8 proven ways to help protect against the deadly disease
Stroke out the numbers
According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, stroke accounted for 20 per cent of the 79,389 deaths from cardiovascular diseases in 1998. The Canadian statistics are indeed disconcerting, reflecting tremendous suffering and financial burdens to families and society.
How do you get herpes?
How have society’s changing attitudes about sexual activity and responsibility affected our teenage children? The Medical Institute for Sexual Health, a U.S. non-profit group promoting sexual abstinence outside marriage, lists the devastating toll laissez-faire attitudes have had on our teens.
Women should worry more about cardiovascular risks
Perception is everything. Not only does it apply to the political arena but to the public’s perception of health risks. A survey by the American Heart Association done in 2000 asked women what disease they thought was the major threat to their lives. Eight per cent said heart disease compared to 50 per cent citing…
Doctors should go into the schools
Despite numerous health advisory and information campaigns, inroads into curbing or modifying deleterious adolescent behaviours remain wanting. The reasons are multifactorial. There is competition from television and movies, advertising, peer-pressure, academic responsibilities, developing independent attitudes, rebelliousness and their own social calendar.
Great variety of drugs helps treatment of diabetics
Last week’s column outlined how type 2 diabetes develops and causes harm: the liver produces too much sugar, the muscle, liver and fat cells poorly absorb sugar because they are less responsive to insulin and the insulin producing beta-cells of the pancreas eventually burn out.