The return of Jolt Cola, another caffeine delivery system with about three times the caffeine than the original at 200 mg (~2.5 regular coffees) a pop and 40 gm of sugar just to sweeten the deal.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for December 30, 2024 Source:Recognize the name Jolt Cola? The 1980s soda aims to make a comeback — this time with even more caffeine
Consuming coffee/caffeine before a workout to improve performance is over-caffeinated hyped advice by “experts”
Health Headlines Commentary for December 20, 2017 Source: Drinking coffee before a workout could boost performance: experts Reference: There is not any because it is based on expert opinion of dubious quality. Expert opinion is near the bottom on the accepted quality of evidence scale. Existing studies cited in the article are based on mice…
Teen died from cardiac arrhythmia due to rapid consumption of various caffeinated drinks
Health Headlines Commentary for May 18, 2017 Source: A teen chugged a latte, a Mountain Dew and an energy drink. The caffeine binge led to his death.
Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health calls upon city council to regulate the promotion and selling caffeine drug-delivery-systems to children
Health Headlines Commentary for March 22, 2017 Source: Age restrictions on energy drinks? Toronto health board says, yes
Caffeine is as caffeine does even if it comes in a pretty flower
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for July 2, 2013 [display_podcast] Source: A healthier caffeine buzz? Energy drinks tout organic and natural ingredients