Anecdotal evidence leads to clinical trial of ketogenic diet as an adjunct treatment for brain cancer
Health Headlines Commentary for April 11, 2016 Source: Scientists studying effect of ketogenic diet on brain cancer
Nanofibres help combat brain cancer in rat models.
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for February 17, 2014 [display_podcast] Source: Cancer: ‘Tumour monorail’ can lead cancers to their doom Reference: Guiding intracortical brain tumour cells to an extracortical cytotoxic hydrogel using aligned polymeric nanofibres
Study states cellphones unlikely source for brain tumour risk
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for July 5, 2011 [display_podcast] Source: Evidence “increasingly against” phone cancer risk Reference: Mobile phones ‘unlikely to cause brain tumours’ Mobile Phones, Brain Tumours and the Interphone Study: Where Are We Now?
Much ado about cellphone use and cancer risk signifying nothing
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for June 1 , 2011 [display_podcast] Source: WHO Says Cell Phones May Cause Cancer
Cellphone-induced brain cancer warning has no data to support claim
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for November 24, 2010 [display_podcast] Source: Teach your children to be wary of cellphones: expert
Cell phone link to brain cancer is tenuous at best
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for May 17, 2010 [display_podcast] Source: Link between cellphones, brain cancer ‘inconclusive’