Blocking blue light from screens before bedtime and its effect on teens sleep patterns presented in this study however it only evaluated 25 people and has not been published.
Health Headlines Commentary for May 22, 2019 Source: Study of teenagers finds blocking out blue light from screens can improve health and wellbeing
Blue light exposure and increased cancer risk needs more detailed explanation on the mechanism of action to verify link
Health Headlines Commentary for May 1, 2018 Source: Blue light like that from smartphones linked to some cancers, study finds Reference: Evaluating the Association between Artificial Light-at-Night Exposure and Breast and Prostate Cancer Risk in Spain (MCC-Spain Study)
Blue-light sleep-aid device will help the makers of the device sleep well as they roll in your dough
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for August 29, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: A New Glow in the Dark: Sleeping With Blue Light On
Treatments for Seasonal Affective Disorder abound but do they work?
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for December 1, 2009 [display_podcast] Source: Bright Ideas for Treating the Winter Blues