WHO adds aspartame to the “possible carcinogen” list as it has for pickled vegetables, aloe vera, Ginkgo Biloba, carpentry and joinery, and common medications like hydrochlorothiazide, progestins, and sulfasalzine, among others.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for June 30, 2023 Source:WHO’s cancer research agency to say aspartame sweetener a possible carcinogen: Reuters sources Reference:IARC List of Classifications
Wednesday House Call, July 4, 2018
Wednesday House Call, July 4, 2018 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Brian Lilley to discuss the latest health stories of the week. Today: What to do about a salivary gland tumor. Difficulty finding a new doctor. Strategies for finding one. Adding Mio to water. How much is too much? You cannot reach the theoretical toxic limit…
Sunday House Call, #578, July 10, 2016: Our existing anticancer vaccines. Why do not we use them more?
Sunday House Call, #578, July 10, 2016: Our existing anticancer vaccines. Why do not we use them more? Topics today include:Anti-cancer vaccines, The side effects of Plaquenil in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, is a spark came safe?, Spinal stenosis treatments, C. difficile, distended bladder from enlarged prostate, new appearance of a lump on the back,…
EFSA report on aspartame safety produces the same result; it is safe to consume
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for December 13, 2013 [display_podcast] Source: Artificial sweetener aspartame ‘is safe’ Reference: The re-evaluation of aspartame (E951) as a food additive Outcome of the public consultation: Scientific Opinion on aspartame Two reports pertinent to the re-evaluation of aspartame
The European Food Safety Authority's evaluation of aspartame
The AFC Panel of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has evaluated the new long-term study on the carcinogenicity of aspartame conducted by the European Ramazzini Foundation in Bologna, Italy. In its opinion published today, the Panel concluded, on the basis of all the evidence currently available, that there is no need to further review…