“Holiday Heart Syndrome” is no different from “weekend” or “celebratory” heart when the culprit is alcohol.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for December 17, 2024 Source:What is ‘holiday heart’ and how can you avoid it this Christmas season?
New alcohol consumption guidelines uses the latest evidence to provide information for people to consider with respect to their consumption and health risks. Each person has their own level of risk tolerance and can use this info accordingly.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for January 18, 2023 Source:It’s time to put cancer warning labels on alcohol, experts say Reference:Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health
CIHI reports increasing numbers of hospitalizations for chronic medical conditions related to alcohol during the pandemic.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for January 17, 2022 Source:Doctors are noticing patients are drinking more, fuelling more hospitalizations Reference: Unintended consequences of COVID-19: Impact on harms caused by substance use, self-harm and accidental falls
Managed Alcohol Programs helping some with alcohol addiction
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for February 25, 2020 Source:How ‘managed alcohol programs’ are helping treat alcoholism with moderation
Deep brain stimulation used to treat one man for alcoholism. Do not draw many conclusions from a N value of 1
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for December 19, 2019 Source:‘I’d be dead’: Renowned scientist gets experimental brain surgery to fight drinking
Sunday House Call, #712, October 6, 2019: It’s Federal election time and no politician has the courage to discuss the meaningful changes to health care required to reduce suffering.
Sunday House Call, #712, October 6, 2019: It’s Federal election time and no politician has the courage to discuss the meaningful changes to health care required to reduce suffering. Topics today include:The hypocrisy of government health care policy is plain to see yet on all levels our politicians bury their heads in the sand waiting…
Headline misrepresents the conclusion in this study on alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease risk.
Health Headlines Commentary for July 30, 2019 Source:Five alcoholic drinks a week could mean a shorter life, study says Reference:Risk thresholds for alcohol consumption: combined analysis of individual-participant data for 599 912 current drinkers in 83 prospective studies
Proportion of women going to ER for alcohol-related issues increasing
Health Headlines Commentary for July 22, 2019 Source:Women, young adults visiting the ER for alcohol-related issues in growing numbers Reference:Rates of emergency department visits attributable to alcohol use in Ontario from 2003 to 2016: a retrospective population-level study
The number of hospitalizations for alcohol and other drugs have overtaken those for heart attacks and stroke. Mental health issues are a significant contributing factor and needs to be addressed.
Health Headlines Commentary for May 31, 2019 Source: More Canadians hospitalized for alcohol and drugs than heart attacks, strokes: study Reference: Common Challenges, Shared PrioritiesMeasuring Access to Home and Community Care and to Mental Health and Addictions Services in Canada