• Younger children suffered more injuries as hockey body contact rules relaxed

    Madely Health Headlines Commentary for March 16, 2011 [display_podcast] Source: Neurosurgeon argues against hockey bodychecks

  • You say concussion, I say ABI

    Madely Health Headlines Commentary for January 18, 2010 [display_podcast] Source: ‘Concussion’ underplays severity of injury: doctors Reference: “My Child Doesn’t Have a Brain Injury, He Only Has a Concussion”

  • New MRI technique to detect acute brain injuries

    Original broadcast date: September 6, 2009 Acute brain injuries from concussive forces have the potential to cause significant long-term cognitive damage if not recognized and diagnosed early. To date, imaging technology such as CT and MRI has limitations regarding the detection of specific types of brain damage. New findings, reported by researchers at the Albert…

  • Traumatic brain injury update

    We bear witness to many kinds of injuries. Indeed when watching sporting events, some injuries do not galvanize much attention other that an exclamation like “Oh that’s gotta hurt!” Inherent in this statement is the knowledge that the injury is likely to be temporary and the player will recover. However, watch the crowd’s reaction when…