Should sex of the fetus be withheld from parents to reduce risk of aborting females?
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for January17, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: Bid to curb female feticide pushes hot buttons of abortion and culture Reference: “It’s a girl!” — could be a death sentence
How do you get herpes?
How have society’s changing attitudes about sexual activity and responsibility affected our teenage children? The Medical Institute for Sexual Health, a U.S. non-profit group promoting sexual abstinence outside marriage, lists the devastating toll laissez-faire attitudes have had on our teens.
Images designed to shock can cause needless harm
Parents are forever vigilant protecting their young children from some of life’s harsher realities. It is indeed frustrating and indeed infuriating when parents encounter unexpected situations that expose their children to potentially deleterious actions and images. Their child-rearing timetable explodes. They have to now enter damage-control mode.