Sunday House Call, #794, June 13, 2021: The Heart of the Matter. @drlabos #myocarditis #mRNAvaccines

A review by Dr. Christopher Labos from the McGill Office for Science and Society of what we know about the mRNA vaccines and the possible but as yet unproven link with myocarditis/pericarditis in predominantly males between the ages of 14 and 25.

Your calls about:

  • Shingles reactivation. Why this is happening?
  • How to respond to family members, in this case grandparents, who are anti-vaccination advocates especially when their grandchildren are immunocompromised.
  • Loud noise and tinnitus
  • A collar would like to know the protocols for Covid vaccination with respect to when she can have her shingles vaccine. How much delay or interval is recommended?