Sunday House Call, #760, October 11, 2020: The anti-cervical-cancer vaccine works

Sunday House Call, #760 ,October 11, 2020: The anti-cancer vaccine works

A large study published in thh New England Journal of Medicine shows that the HPV vaccine dramatically reduces the risk of cervical cancer especially if given before the age of 17.

SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy not associated with complications in neonates, study finds

Your calls about:

  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo and how to treat it
  • Gas and bloating in an older man. No infections or bowel disease. He is using OTC enzymes with no effect.
  • Do decongestants reduce immune response efficacy?
  • “Oral Thrush” not responding to anti-fungal; treatment likely is not thrush.