Sunday House Call, #704, July 29, 2019: CBD oil for pain? Not so fast. It may be the flavonoids! A post hoc ergo propter hoc adventure

Sunday House Call, #704, July 29, 2019: CBD oil for pain? Not so fast. It may be the flavonoids!

An interesting study that has uncovered two chemical compounds, cannflavin A and B, found in cannabis may be the true molecules that treat pain. If so, isolating and producing this would bring great relief to many people without the side effects and drug interaction inherent with cannabis use. This is why we use science to avoid jumping on the “miracle drug” bandwagon before all the information is in.

Your calls today include:

  • Calcium supplementationused to complement treatment of osteoporosis
  • Treatment and prevention of acid reflux
  • Low testosterone evaluation
  • Bronchitis
  • Gall bladder disease and pain
