Sunday House Call, #685, February 24, 2019: A few pages from “The Stupid Files”

Sunday House Call, #685, February 24, 2019: A few pages from “The Stupid Files”

Topics today include:

The Stupid Files

Your calls (and there were a lot of them):

  • Treatment of AIDS and the difference between chronic and acute infections
  • How to treat a broken toe.
  • A blood test shows low white blood cell counts. What this is main?
  • Blocked or stenotic coronary arteries. What is the management?
  • Side effects of antibiotic treatment for diverticulitis
  • A man with new onset difficulty breathing for whom a heart disease workup has proved negative. What other actions can he take?
  • Diminished kidney function in a type II diabetic. Is there anything that can be done to improve kidney function?