Sunday House Call, #676, December 2, 2018: Flu Vaccine Lost in the Mist

Sunday House Call, #676,  December 2, 2018: Flu Vaccine Lost in the Mist

Topics today include:

Public Health systems fail to deliver promised FluMist to health care centres. Parents and health care professionals are understandably frustrated and upset with the false advertising and the betrayal of children.

Your calls about:

  • Mental illness and its effects on behavior. What are limits of responsibility for our actions?
  • 87-year-old man reports a 2 day history of cough after his flu shot. Now feels well.
  • Colon cancer screening options
  • A 43-year-old woman with a history of ductal carcinoma in situ breast cancer has a decision to make about using tamoxifen. What are the risks versus benefits and the outcomes of its use?
  • Compression stockings and side effects of use
  • management of ulcerative colitis