Sunday House Call, #674,  November 11, 2018: The marketing press release (sorry, rigorous scientific food study) that leads you to the next magical superfood.

Sunday House Call, #674,  November 11, 2018: The marketing press release (sorry, rigorous scientific food study) that leads you to the next magical superfood.

Topics today include:

Press releases that tout the benefit of specific foods represent the worst of science reporting where food industry trade groups finance studies that to no one’s surprise, support their claims.

Your calls about:

  • What should be included in a periodic health evaluation for an 86 year-old man?
  • Compression stockings: Their indications for use.
  • 83 year-old man with a worsening sore hip experiencing a reduction in his quality of life. What should he do when he states his physician has not offered him any solutions.
  • Home visits
  • Work up for neuropathy