Sunday House Call, #655, May 27, 2018: Proper scientific investigation applies to all drugs; that means you cannabis. No free pass on claims.
Topics today include:
A cannabis study that was done well with interesting results for children and adults with a specific type of epilepsy. How the pharmaceutical industry direct-to-consumer advertising misrepresents the efficacy of the medications.
Your calls about:
- Modes of therapy for low back pain
- What is HDL? How to you interpret cholesterol test results. We calculated the ten-year cardiovascular disease risk for woman who called the show using her test results.
- Schatzki rings (scarring in the esophagus) caused by acid reflux. A caller asks if proton pump inhibitors be used over the long-term? We reviewed the risks and benefits for this specific condition.
- A painful tailbone (Coccydynia) and its management
- Management of rotator cuff tears after physiotherapy