Ontario Health Ministry limits coverage for Hepatitis B medications

Chronic hepatitis B affects an estimated 230,000-290,000 people in Canada. Though there is a range of new effective antiretroviral treatments that can help reduce disease complications, the estimated 80,000 – 100,000 chronic hepatitis B patients in Ontario have only limited options paid for by the Ontario Drug Benefit Program.

Last week the British Columbia government announced improved access to treatments for hepatitis B. The Canadian Liver Foundation supports the move and is calling on Ontario and the remaining provinces to follow the lead of Quebec and BC to give patients access to the treatments that will help save health care costs and lives.

  • Dr. Morris Sherman, FRCPC, MB, PhD, Clinical Studies Resource Centre Member, Division of Clinical Investigation & Human Physiology at the Toronto General Research Institute (University Health Network), Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto and Chairman, Canadian Liver Foundation Medical Advisory Committee


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