Sunday House Call, #747, July 12, 2020: Managing obesity by understanding what influences your GateKeeper, GoGetter, and Sleepy Executive with @DavidMacklinMD

Sunday House Call, #747, July 12, 2020: Managing obesity by understanding what influences your Gatekeeper, Go Getter, and Sleepy Executive with @DavidMacklinMD

How do we dispel the myths about obesity? You just watched or heard the excellent audio component of Dr. David Macklin’s “The GateKeeper, The GoGetter and the Sleepy Executive” presenting the scientific evidence to date to dispels many of these myths, myths in some ways created by marketers, social media experts who epitomize the Dunning-Kruger effect, and reality TV shows among others who prey upon those suffering with obesity.

Many sell products and promote concepts not supported by evidence but designed to keep you on the treadmill moving from one product or service to another thus creating a viscious cycle of self-blame for failure. People with obesity bearing the brunt of fat-shaming, blame for their illness, and self-righteous condemnation by others who think this is a simple matter of “just eat less”.

Dr. David Macklin
Director, Medcan Weight Management Program
Director Weight Management Mount Sinai Hospital BMI Clinic
Lecturer, University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine