Researchers trying to determine if sleep dysfunction is related to tinnitus and its degree of expression.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for March 7, 2025 Source:Tinnitus Seems to Be Somehow Connected to a Crucial Bodily Function Reference: Tinnitus: at a crossroad between phantom perception and sleep
Interesting research evaluating the effect sleeping pills have on the brain’s ability to restore itself during a specific sleep stage.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for February 12, 2025 Source:Common sleep medication may prevent brain from clearing ‘waste’ Reference:Norepinephrine-mediated slow vasomotion drives glymphatic clearance during sleep
Night owls’ cognitive function ‘superior’ to early risers, study suggests but cannot prove.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for July 15, 2024 Source:Night owls’ cognitive function ‘superior’ to early risers, study suggests
Lots of anecdote from people who have financial interests in supporting the act of taping your mouth shut to improve your sleep quality. Should be a straight-forward clinical trial to prove determine if the claim holds water.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for July 9, 2024 Source:It’s the hottest trend in sleep. All you have to do is tape your mouth shut
Study reports lack of sleep linked to high blood pressure in children and teens but selection bias and self-reported data cloud the results
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for June 19, 2024 Source:Lack of sleep linked to high blood pressure in children and teens
Eating a healthy plant-based diet may make sleep apnea less likely? Nothing inherent in plants that reduces the risk, rather adopting healthy eating reduces risk of weight gain; one of the risk factors for developing sleep apnea.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for February 28, 2024 Source:Eating a healthy plant-based diet may make sleep apnea less likely Reference:Plant-based and vegetarian diets are associated with reduced obstructive sleep apnoea risk
Sleep disruptions in 30s and 40s linked to cognitive decline a decade later, study finds
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for January 5, 2024 Source:Sleep disruptions in 30s and 40s linked to cognitive decline a decade later, study finds Reference:Association Between Sleep Quantity and Quality in Early Adulthood With Cognitive Function in Midlife
Behavioral training and therapy is always the preferred first choice for many children who are having difficulty falling sleeping. Melatonin commonly taken by kids not a magic bullet, pediatricians say.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for December 7, 2023 Source:Melatonin commonly taken by kids not a magic bullet, pediatricians say Reference:Characteristics of Melatonin Use Among US Children and Adolescents
Team finds a medication that can partially mitigate severity of sleep apnea.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for October 11, 2022 Source:Team finds a promising medication for sleep apnea Reference:The norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor reboxetine alone reduces obstructive sleep apnea severity: a double blind, placebo controlled, randomized, cross-over trial