Small study of young people with no history of smoking or vaping showed single vaping session led to cellular oxidative stress responses (cause of inflammatory disease, heart disease, etc). More investigation needed to determine long-term use outcomes.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for August 12, 2021 Source:‘Concerning’ study highlights dangers of vaping Reference:Association of 1 Vaping Session With Cellular Oxidative Stress in Otherwise Healthy Young People With No History of Smoking or Vaping
BioNTech recommends a third COVID-19 dose is needed to protect against the Delta variant. Need evidence to support this claim. Vast majority ending up in hospital/ICU are unvaccinated; evidence that to date, two doses of #vaccineswork.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for August 11, 2021 Source:BioNTech says repeat doses remain better strategy than adapting its COVID-19 vaccine to new variants
@JAMAPediatrics study suggests that during first year of pandemic “1 in 4 youth globally are experiencing clinically elevated depression symptoms, while 1 in 5 youth are experiencing clinically elevated anxiety symptoms.”
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for August 10, 2021 Source:Anxiety, depression in kids double during pandemic; teens, girls most at risk: study Reference:Global Prevalence of Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Children and Adolescents During COVID-19
In vitro cell-culture study demonstrates that fenofibrate (used as adjunct to statins to lower cholesterol and lipid levels) reduces severity of coronavirus infection. Human trials to follow to determine if this holds true in vivo. #GoScience
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for August 9, 2021 Source:Cholesterol drug cuts coronavirus infection by 70%, researchers find Reference:The Hyperlipidaemic Drug Fenofibrate Significantly Reduces Infection by SARS-CoV-2 in Cell Culture Models
Sunday House Call, #802, August 8, 2021: How to help those stay healthy and well. Being angry at the vaccine-hesitant will not change hearts and minds. There is a better way. #vaccineswork
The advantages to COVID-19 vaccinations could not be more clear. Canada’s high vaccination rate bodes well for the vaccinated. On only has to look at the recent US data to see how we may circumvent the tragedy that is unfolding in poorly vaccinated areas of the country. We have to try to find common ground…
Retrospective study finds that the flu vaccine has benefits against severe effects of COVID-19. How it does this remains unknown but if true, it will be fascinating and enlightening to figure out how our immune response works in this setting.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for August 6, 2021 Source:Flu shot found to protect against severe effects of COVID-19 Reference:Examining the potential benefits of the influenza vaccine against SARS-CoV-2: A retrospective cohort analysis of 74,754 patients
Heparin seems to reduce progression of COVID-19 in hospitalized people with moderate symptoms but not for the critically ill. Study author states that more research required to find the therapeutic “sweet spot”.
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for August 5, 2021 Source:Canadian-led studies suggest blood thinner can help moderately sick COVID-19 patients Reference:Therapeutic Anticoagulation with Heparin in Critically Ill Patients with Covid-19Therapeutic Anticoagulation with Heparin in Noncritically Ill Patients with Covid-19
Imperial College London study provides more evidence that a double-vaccinated person is engaging in a classic and time-honoured risk-and-harm-reduction strategy. #vaccineswork
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for August 4, 2021 Source:English study finds a 50-60 per cent reduced risk of COVID-19 for double-vaccinated
UK scientists’ early theoretical research forewarns of another coronavirus variant to come that will “lead to current vaccine failure.”
Medical Mythbusting Commentary for August 3, 2021 Source:UK scientists believe it is ‘almost certain’ a coronavirus variant will emerge that beats current vaccines Reference:Long term evolution of SARS-CoV-2, 26 July 2021