Hand infections need immediate attention
Originally published in The Ottawa Citizen May 18, 2004 Original Title: I’ve got blistahs on my fingahs What are the common hand infections? What causes them and how are they treated? Although by no means a comprehensive guide, there are five common infections encountered in the emergency room or your family doctor’s office.
A closer look at St. John's Wort
Known as Fuga Demonum or Devil’s Scourge, its original use was to ward off evil spirits and prevent demonic possession. Sixth century Gaelic legend makes reference to St. Columba who carried a piece of the flowering plant in deference to St. John the Baptist around whose birthday the flower would bloom.
Helping vegetarian teens thrive
Increasing numbers of adolescents, especially girls, are adopting vegetarian diets. Their reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet vary from animal welfare, health benefits and food safety to environmental and sociopolitical concerns. Surveys suggest that approximately 8% of adolescents in the United Kingdom and 6% of older elementary and high-school students in the midwestern United States…
Herbal Reality: Valerian
Do herbal preparations really live up to their claims? There are many anecdotal reports that they do make a difference and help people with a variety of ailments. Many websites purport to give information but, for the average consumer, it can be difficult to separate the facts from bias.
Pop goes the follicle
Alopecia or hair loss is a distressing turn of events for women. The scalp is often afflicted but it can occur on any part of the body. Why does this happen? Are there different types of hair loss?
Battling B12 deficiency
A change in your diet may not be enough to boost vitamin levels In medicine, there is an old adage that the most common medical complaints are caused by the most common medical problems. Many of my patients have complained about fatigue. This nebulous creature is one of the most common problems faced by family…
Bone crushers
Osteoporosis is defined as a loss of bone calcium more than expected for a person’s age, sex, and race. It is a major health problem that robs people of their independence. The areas predisposed to fracture include the spine, hip and upper arm.
For a healthier diet, just skip the latest fad
It seems that every week there is another diet or celebrity offering the Holy Grail of diet and health nirvana. Indeed, nutritional science researchers are casting healthy skepticism on their claims.
Bedwetting isn't the child's fault
Originally published in The Ottawa Citizen March 6 , 2004 Original Title: Nighttime waterworks Bedwetting or nocturnal enuresis affects more than 200,000 Canadians between the ages of five and 19. It occurs three times more often in boys than in girls. This problem causes great parental angst and distress. Children often feel humiliated and ashamed…