Find the right birth-control method
Originally published in The Ottawa Citizen August 31, 2004 Original Title: Stop that swimmer! What do you think are the most effective contraceptive options aside from complete abstinence (no intercourse)?
Get to the root cause of abdominal pain
There are numerous causes for abdominal pain and cramps, warranting a thorough evaluation; diagnoses include peptic ulcer disease, acid reflux, colitis and bowel cancer, among others.
Exercise stress can cause fractures
The pressure and stress exerted upon the feet and lower extremities can be substantial. A common class of sports-related injury is stress fractures.
Gasping for Air
Shortness of breath (dyspnea) strikes deep at a person’s self-preservation instincts. The fear of suffocation commonly leads to a feeling of panic. The ability to diagnose and treat the condition depends upon past medical history, the ability to gather a good medical history of the acute condition and prompt evaluation of the patient’s physical findings.
Enzyme supplements may play role in good health
Originally published in The Ottawa Citizen July 27, 2004 Original Title: Cozy up to Co-Q An early study released recently by the Michigan Head Pain and Neurological Institute in Ann Arbor, Michigan, showed that co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ) may be another treatment approach for migraines.
Don't let malaria put the bite on your travels
Hippocrates (460?-377 BC) described it in his written observations. Ancient Chinese, Egyptian and Middle Eastern cultures refer to this disease. Outbreaks often coincide with warfare, mass migrations and other societal disruptions. The British blamed “bad air” in the mid 1800’s India for a disease that killed many of their nationals. This mala aria (from the…
How to control asthma
How many asthmatics think their asthma is under control? If you are like most Canadians, 91 per cent believe so. Indeed, perception is not a mirror of reality.
Reduce risk of parasite: Hearing loss may be linked to toxoplasma
Originally published in The Ottawa Citizen June 11, 2004 Original Title: Stay away from Puss ‘n Boots We live with a multitude of bacteria and parasites in our environment. Many do not cause disease in healthy individuals.
Fighting pests that bug your intestines
They have exotic names but they are less than endearing. Intestinal parasites come in all shapes and sizes. Each has its own way of taking advantage of the body’s metabolism and anatomy.