New understanding how cannabis may affect brain chemistry and its relation to mood disorder risk
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for December 18, 2009 [display_podcast] Source: New study suggests cannabis use by teens damages brain worse than suspected Reference: Chronic exposure to cannabinoids during adolescence but not during adulthood impairs emotional behaviour and monoaminergic neurotransmission
H1N1 may crowd out seasonal flu this year
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for December 17, 2009 [display_podcast] Source: Swine Flu May Mean Seasonal Strain Won’t Emerge in U.S. Winter
The H1N1 third wave
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for December 16, 2009 [display_podcast] Source: H1N1 ‘not done yet’: Canada’s top doctor
The effect of CT scan radiation exposure on cancer risk
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for December 15, 2009 [display_podcast] Source: Radiation from CT scans causing cancer: study Reference: Cancer Risks and Radiation Exposure From Computed Tomographic Scans
Drug combo boosts advanced HER-2 breast cancer survival
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for December 14, 2009 Source: Drug Combo boosts advanced breast cancer survival Comment: This approach to treatment applies only to HER-2 breast cancers that according to the article represents 1 in 4 breast cancers.
Scientist discovers new way to repair damaged nerves
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for December 11, 2009 Source: Scientist discovers new way to repair damaged nerves
Research suggests that everyday germs may prevent diseases in adulthood
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for December 10, 2009 Source: Research suggests that everyday germs may prevent diseases in adulthood
H1N1 pandemic severity update and the effectiveness of antivirals in otherwise healthy adults
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for December 9, 2009 Sources: British researchers say little evidence Tamiflu works, but WHO says the drug is useful Swine Flu Pandemic May Be Less Severe Than Expected
Prescription opiods associated with increasing levels of overdose and mortality: study
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for December 8, 2009 Source: Study finds huge rise in oxycodone deaths (The “huge rise” is an increase of 13 per million) Reference: Prescribing of opioid analgesics and related mortality before and after the introduction of long-acting oxycodone