Sunday House Call, #375, November 13, 2011
Sunday House Call, #375, November 13, 2011 Topics include the frustrations of practising with one hand behind your back, the pitfalls of doing tests without a clear indication, elevated calcium levels, restless leg syndrome, and disc herniation.
Chicken pox lollipops and parties do not make for healthier children
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for November 11, 2011 [display_podcast] Source: Doctor aghast as lollipops used to spread chickenpox Reference: Chickenpox: The disease, the vaccine and the parties
EEG used to detect level of awareness in comatose patients
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for November 10, 2011 [display_podcast] Source: EEG can detect awareness in vegetative patients Reference: The Lancet – Bedside detection of awareness in the vegetative state
The Maplesoft Centre opens in Ottawa
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for November 9, 2011 [display_podcast] Source: Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation
Afternoon Edition – Wednesday House Call November 9, 2011
Afternoon Edition – Wednesday House Call November 9, 2011 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to take calls on medical matters from the CFRA Nation. Today: Chicken pox parties and lollipops, shingles, osteoporosis treatments, ferritin levels and more shingles.
Small absolute increase in venous blood clot risk noted with birth control pills containing drospirenone
Blood clot risk higher with some types of pill
Human embryonic stem cells used to treat Parkinson's disease in mice and rats
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for November 7, 2011 [display_podcast] Source: Hope for Stem-Cell Treatment of Parkinson’s Reference: Dopamine neurons derived from human ES cells efficiently engraft in animal models of Parkinson’s disease
Sunday House Call, #374, November 6, 2011
Sunday House Call, #374, November 6, 2011 A review of Dr. Ben Goldacre’s last column for the next six months, a growing lump on the spine area, pain after shingles – postherpetic neuralgia, coronary artery stent status after blunt chest trauma, pseudomyxoma peritonei, osteoporosis and calcium intake, and headaches in an 80 year-old woman.
Testosterone deficiency in males can mimic many other conditions
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for November 4, 2011 [display_podcast] Source: Low testosterone hits 40% of men over 45 Reference: Testosterone deficiency, BC Medical Journal