Should sex of the fetus be withheld from parents to reduce risk of aborting females?
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for January17, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: Bid to curb female feticide pushes hot buttons of abortion and culture Reference: “It’s a girl!” — could be a death sentence
Magnesium lowers stroke risk: Another correlation is not causation study
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for January 16, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: Magnesium-rich diet may lower stroke risk: study Reference: http://bit.ly/AhalBY
Sunday House Call, #380, January 15, 2012
Sunday House Call, #380, January 15, 2012 Topics today include Fatigue in the elderly, Back pain, shortness of breath on exertion, and right-sided rib/chest pain
A clear and straight-forward action can prevent a great disease burden
Afternoon Edition – Wednesday House Call January 11, 2012
Afternoon Edition – Wednesday House Call January , 2012 Dr Barry Dworkin joins Rob Snow to take calls on medical matters from the CFRA Nation. Today: Sore wrist after surgery, weight loss strategies must include behaviour modification, post concussion syndrome, PET scans, and Raynaud’s Phenomenon [display_podcast]
Smoking cessation relapse rates common according to study
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for January, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: Quit Smoking: A New Case for Going Cold Turkey Reference: Alpert H, et al “A prospective cohort study challenging the effectiveness of population-based medical intervention for smoking cessation” Tob Control 2012; DOI:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050129.
Study concludes ASA should not be used for primary prevention of heart disease because side effects outweigh benefits
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for January, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: Aspirin a day may be harmful, study says Reference: Effect of Aspirin on Vascular and Nonvascular Outcomes
British MPs make plea to citizens to curtail alcohol consumption
Madely Health Headlines Commentary for January 9, 2012 [display_podcast] Source: Britons should avoid drinking alcohol for at least two days a week to protect their health, a committee of MPs said in a report published Monday Reference: Alcohol consumption per country